Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Our Elementary Ministries are here to provide a safe environment for the love of Jesus to be poured out to God's young boys and girls. We have dedicated coordinators and volunteers to partner with you to disciple children Kinder through 5th grade.
Treehouse Jr - K-2nd grade
Welcome (through play, kids make new friends)
Praise & Worship (age appropriate songs w/ motions)
Bible Based Message (Dig-In Curriculum)
Small Group & Activity Time (based on weekly bible story)
Snack Time (Welch's fruit snacks)
*JR available for both 8:45 & 11am services.
Welcome (through play, kids make new friends)
Praise & Worship (age appropriate songs w/ motions)
Bible Based Message (Dig-In Curriculum)
Small Group & Activity Time (based on weekly bible story)
Snack Time (Welch's fruit snacks)
*JR available for both 8:45 & 11am services.
Tiffany Wong and Franklin Lee serve as coordinators at Treehouse JR. This ministry provides an exciting and safe place for children at this age where their walk with Jesus is nurtured and realize they are loved by God.
Treehouse Sr - 3rd-5th grade
Small Group & Activity (based on weekly bible story)
Praise & Worship(age appropriate w/ motions)
Bible Based Message (Dig-In Curriculum)
*SR available for both 8:45 & 11am services.
Small Group & Activity (based on weekly bible story)
Praise & Worship(age appropriate w/ motions)
Bible Based Message (Dig-In Curriculum)
*SR available for both 8:45 & 11am services.
Kevin Ryu & Maria Lee serves as 3rd-5th Coordinators at Treehouse Sr. This ministry provides a loving environment with age appropriate bible teaching, geared to assist the student and the parents to grow in their faith with Jesus.