We're glad you're here!


Life isn't a plan, but it is an adventure that all of us are called to discover and join. We are excited you have joined us in that journey as a community committed to "His global redemptive work." Here, we seek to serve this generation empowered by the power of the Holy Spirit. As a church family, we embrace the calling to be active participants in God's redemptive plan, reaching out to the world with the message of hope and salvation.

Whether you're here for the first time or have been with us for years, we invite you to experience the presence of God, be challenged in your faith, and grow with us. Together, we are on a journey to experience God, see lives changed, and to share the Gospel of Christ across the globe. Welcome, and may you be richly blessed as we journey together.

Sung Chung
Senior Pastor



8:45 AM*
11 AM
1:15 PM
Pre-service prayer time precedes each service
(begins 10 before service time).


7:00 PM - 9:30 PM

AWANA (Children’s Program) 7:30 - 9:30 PM
Greenhouse (Jr. High) 7:30 - 9:30 PM
Lighthouse (High School) 7:30 - 9:30 PM


Tuesday - Thursday
Join a cell group today!
Worship Service Language Translation:
*Spanish translation available (Korean by request)
Korean translation available (Spanish by request)
Mandarin translation available by request

WHERE We're Located

1380 S Sanderson Ave. 
Anaheim, CA 92806

East of the 57 Freeway
South of Ball Rd.

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

(714) 209-7349

WHAT Should you expect?

Arrival and welcoming

If it’s your first time with us or if you have a stroller, please let our parking attendant know and they’ll direct you to designated parking spots closer to the sanctuary entrance. Our welcoming team is also here to serve you and answer any questions you may have about our church. 

Worship Service

After being welcomed by some of the members of our church, our worship service that follows will include a time of praise to God, a message where we hear the Word of God, and a time of offering for our members. Worship Service lasts about 90 minutes. 

For Children
(Nursery-5th Grade)

On Friday night, Treehouse meets from 7:30 - 9:30 PM, with AWANA running from September through May and Funtastic Fridays from June through August. 

On Sundays, Treehouse has its own worship services at 8:45 AM & 11:00 AM for 1-year-olds to 5th grade.

For Youth
(6th-12th Grade)

On Friday nights, the jr high & high school groups meet separately from 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM with worship, teachings, and fellowship times. A light snack will be served! Come and bring your jr high/ high school student to our Friday nights!

On Sunday mornings, the jr high & high school groups hold their own worship services, beginning at 11:00 AM, followed by small groups. Their entire programs end at 12:45 PM!

*Pickup location must be coordinated with your own child(ren).

How To Get Connected

We have several ways for you to ask all the questions you have about our church or about Christianity.

  1. Visit our Connect Table to learn more and get connected. The table is located in the courtyard every Sunday after 1st service and 2nd service.

  2. Attend Simply Southland, held once a month after service. Have lunch, learn about our church, and meet some of our church pastors and leaders. Click Here to sign up for the next Simply Southland.

  3. Sign up for our weekly eNews to learn about our upcoming events.

  4. Join us on Planning Center to easily connect, stay informed, and get involved!

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you.
(714) 209-7349

WHAT Should you expect?

Worship service lasts about 90 minutes
in the following order:

Scripture Reading
Ministry Time

Arrival and welcoming

Our parking attendants will direct you as you arrive. If it's your first time with us or if you have a stroller, please let an attendant know, and they'll direct you to designated parking spots closer to the sanctuary.
Our welcoming team is also here to serve you. If you have any questions about our church, where to go, or which post-service donuts are the best, just look for anyone wearing a Hawaiian lei!

get connected

After 1st and 2nd service we have our connect table available for those who would like to learn more and get connected. Follow the Connect Table sign as you leave the sanctuary.

For 3rd service attenders, find our welcoming team members with badges to connect!
On Sundays we have free donuts, paid coffee machines, and our Spot Cafe available after 1st and 2nd service.

Download our app

  • Listen to recent and past sermons
  • Follow the daily AMI Quiet Times
  • Give online
  • Find your groups
  • Check-in, sign up, and more

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