Participate in what God is doing around us and fulfill the Great Commission by joining an outreach ministry. Opportunities vary in scope and availability.
Community Outreach - Team members
Description: The Community Outreach team seeks to research, plan, and execute ways that we as COS can go share the love of Chist to our neighbors. Whether it's serving the homeless population or tutoring under-privileged kids, we want to share the love of Christ that we have received.
Commitment: Seasonal needs
6 months regular attendance
Regular cell attendance
Passively seeking team members
Medical missions - volunteers
Description: iGHO plans, trains, and send medical teams to various missions. A medical background is welcome but not necessary. iGHO also serves the community through free health fairs and other services. You will participate in Friday/Sunday meetings and evangelism outings.
Commitment: 1 hour a week, seasonal commitment
Regular cell attendance
Must have completed EG
Must have attended Encounter
Next iGHO Trip TBA
Global Missions - Volunteers
Description: Come take part in what God is doing globally. Help support, organize, and send out short term mission teams. You will coordinate and plan short term mission trips within Acts Ministries International.
Commitment: Seasonal/event based commitment with varying time commitments