99 Days to Pentecost: Day 4

Day 4 - February 17, 2021
Passage: Colossians 4:7-9 (Read Full Chapter)
7 As to all my affairs, Tychicus, our beloved brother and faithful servant and fellow bond-servant in the Lord, will bring you information. 8 For I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know about our circumstances and that he may encourage your hearts; 9 and with him is Onesimus, our faithful and beloved brother, who is one of your own. 

“You Are Not Alone”
Written by Pastor Richard Kim

I always love learning about the minor characters of scripture. It details and colors the Bible in really interesting ways. Tychicus, Onesimus, Aristarchus, Mark, Justus, Epaphras, Luke, Demas, and Nympha? Who are these companions of Paul?

Tychicus is the leader and bearer of this letter. He is mentioned in Acts 20:4 and 2 Tim. 4:12. Out of everyone mentioned, he receives the highest praise (beloved, faithful servant, fellow bond servant) Paul ever gives to anyone! (v. 7)

Onesimus is the slave who ran away from Philemon (the same mentioned in the book of Philemon). He is now working with Paul. Philemon must have forgiven Onesimus and sent him back to Paul! Or Onesimus is coming back to Philemon, displaying true courage in repentance (V. 9)!

Aristarchus was in prison with Paul in Ephesus and Rome! (Acts 19:29, 27:2). This is why Paul calls him “my fellow prisoner” (v. 10).  

Mark (Barnabas’s cousin) left Paul during his first missionary journey. Paul was so disappointed in Mark’s fear and lack of faith that he didn’t want to take him again which led to a disagreement with Barnabas. But, we see here that Paul is now reconciled with Mark (v. 10).

Jesus/Justus is only mentioned here. The only thing we know is that he was a Jew and he is a great encouragement to Paul (V. 11).

Epaphras was probably the pastor of the Colossians that met at Nympha’s house (1:7, 4:12-13, 15).

With no special introduction or praise, Demas is the one who will desert Paul in 2 Tim. 4:10.

Luke is Paul’s faithful traveling companion and a doctor beloved by Paul (v. 14).

As Paul served God, he did not serve God alone. God gave him many companions to help and encourage him in his life and ministry.

Prayer: Dear Father, as we serve you, thank you for the brothers and sisters you placed in our lives. Thank you for their encouragement and help us to be a blessing to them. Amen.
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