99 Days to Pentecost: Day 87

Day 87 - May 11, 2021

Acts 16:34 (Read Full Chapter)
34 And he brought them into his house and set food before them, and was overjoyed, since he had become a believer in God together with his whole household.

“Praising God In All Circumstances”
Written by Pastor Seong Hwang

Paul and Silas were arrested, falsely accused, stripped, severely flogged, and thrown in jail, with feet fastened to the stocks. Yet that very same night, they prayed and sang hymns! They were so secure in their relationship with God that not even these circumstances could take them away from His love. As their hearts filled with joy, they also filled the prison walls with the same joy as others were listening and even coming to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Are you going through a difficult season? I pray that as you read through this chapter, you will be encouraged to live with joy, knowing our God is faithful, and He is with us in every season.  

Take time to reread Acts 16 and prayerfully reflect on God’s Word to you through this chapter.
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