99 Days to Pentecost: Day 82

Day 82 - May 6, 2021

Acts 11:25-26 (Read Full Chapter)
25 And he left for Tarsus to look for Saul; 26 and when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. And for an entire year they met with the church and taught considerable numbers of people; and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.

“Barnabas’ Example”
Written by Pastor Tina Hsu

At this time in the early church, the Holy Spirit was leading Gentiles to believe in Jesus Christ through the believers who fled to Antioch when persecution hit Jerusalem. Barnabas was a key player in the early church. God equipped him to strengthen local churches, encouraging them “to remain true to the Lord.” After discerning that it was timely and fitting for Paul to join him in ministry, Barnabas and Paul spent an entire year teaching the believers at Antioch until they were sent to other local churches or unreached cities. Whatever length of time God gave Barnabas to strengthen other believers, he faithfully shepherded them until he was called to the next post. How are we individually faithful in this season to spiritually lead the people whom God has entrusted to us?

Take time to reread Acts 11 and prayerfully reflect on God’s Word to you through this chapter.
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