99 Days to Pentecost: Day 74

Day 74 - April 28, 2021

Acts 3:2 (Read Full Chapter)
And a man who had been unable to walk from birth was being carried, whom they used to set down every day at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, in order for him to beg for charitable gifts from those entering the temple grounds.

“Silver and Gold”
Written by Pastor Joshua Kim

Imagine being this man. From a young age, you are set down at the gate of the temple everyday to beg for gifts from those coming to worship. The best thing that can happen to you is getting a piece of gold or silver. This is the reality. Until one day, this man encounters Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Pastor Keith often says our faith is limited by our imagination. What are the things in your life that have been categorized as impossible? In what ways have you settled for silver and gold when God wants to give you something greater?

Take time to reread Acts 3 and prayerfully reflect on God’s Word to you through this chapter.
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