99 Days to Pentecost: Day 79

Day 79 - May 3, 2021

Acts 8:4 (Read Full Passage)
Therefore, those who had been scattered went about preaching the word.

“Preach the Gospel, Always”
Written by Pastor Joe Suh

Following Stephen’s martyrdom, the violent persecution of all who preached the Gospel began. This caused the believers to scatter throughout the entire region (8:1). Instead of the church closing or losing believers, we see the truth rapidly spread in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of earth (1:8).

Even in the face of persecution, believers preached the Word wherever they went (8:4). They lived out the calling placed in their hearts and preached the Word in every situation, every place. Even with the threat of persecution, they did not surrender or give in to fear. They obeyed. What an amazing testimony of faith from believers in the early church!

Take time to reread Acts 8 and prayerfully reflect on God’s Word to you through this chapter.
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