99 Days to Pentecost: Day 34

Day 34 - March 19, 2021

Mark 1:7-8 (Read Full Chapter)
And he was preaching, and saying, "After me One is coming who is mightier than I, and I am not fit to stoop down and untie the thong of His sandals. I baptized you with water; but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit."

“Kingdom Power Available For Us!”
Written by Pastor Richard Kim

Chapter 1 seems like a bunch of random stories but there’s a thematic connection here. Mark is showing us the great kingdom power Jesus wielded here on earth. 

We learn from Mark that the kingdom has power to create disciples who are willing to give up everything to follow Jesus like Peter, Andrew, James, John (v. 16 – 20), to cast out the worst of demons (v. 21 – 28), to heal all kinds of sickness and diseases (v. 29 – 34). 

But the main question Mark raises is, how did Jesus (as a Spirit-filled man) get this great power? Because if Jesus can receive this great power, we can too!

Mark gives us 3 hints. 

First, Jesus received this great power through His submission and obedience to God. We see this through Jesus submission to baptism (v. 9 – 11). 

Second, Jesus received this power by defeating the temptations of the evil one (v. 12 – 13). 

Lastly, Jesus received this power by rising early in the morning and praying (v. 35). 

We learn this power Jesus’ wielded is available to us! Through our submission to God, fighting temptations, and commitment to prayer, the power of the kingdom can reside in us! 

Do you want to be used powerfully by God? Fight temptation, submit to God, draw near in prayer.

Prayer: Father, as you gave Jesus power to advance your kingdom, give us your power to do the same. Amen
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