99 Days to Pentecost: Day 26

Day 26 - March 11, 2021
Malachi 3:14-15 (Read Full Chapter)
14 You have said, ‘It is pointless to serve God; and what benefit is it for us that we have done what He required, and that we have walked in mourning before the Lord of armies? 15 So now we call the arrogant blessed; not only are the doers of wickedness built up, but they also put God to the test and escape punishment.’”

“Return to the LORD and He will Return to You”
Written by Pastor John Lee

Have you ever had similar thoughts to the verses above? Have you ever caught your heart wandering into this direction? Maybe we start feeling like it’s futile to serve God because of so many other unmet needs requiring our attention instead. Or maybe we’ve become disappointed because we see others finding worldly success and pleasure while we feel stuck. It’s a subtle thought that deceptively convinces our hearts and minds to serve ourselves rather than God. The deeper reality just might be that we do not trust God’s plan is better than our own. 
This same thought was what caused the Israelites’ hearts to become cold. More and more, they sought means to benefit themselves in worship, relationship, and stewardship. In their worship, they gave God leftovers instead of first fruits (Malachi 1:7-8). In relationship, they bound themselves to foreign wives who worshiped foreign gods (Mal 2:11). In stewardship, they took the tithes for themselves (Mal 3:10). These sins didn’t seem to bother the Israelites’ conscience. Instead, those practicing wickedness gained greater economic profit and social gain. 
Like the Israelites, we are equally tempted each day to use our worship, relationship, and stewardship to serve ourselves rather than the LORD. However, those who continue in this way will encounter God’s justice (Mal 3:5). While those who continue to serve the LORD are given a greater promise. They will be refined (Mal 3:3). They will be abundantly blessed (Mal 3:10). They will be His treasured possession and will be shown compassion as a father towards his son who serves him (Mal 3:17).
Prayer: Heavenly Father, may you keep my heart and mind from wandering today. May the best of my worship, relationship, and stewardship be used to serve You. I trust that You will give me the strength to be faithful to You and You alone. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
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